Heather Langenkamp
Ask any horror fan to name their favorite actresses from the 80s, and you’ll probably hear Heather Langenkamp’s name come up quickly. As the star of three of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, Langenkamp is a true horror movie icon, and as far as we know, the only ULC minister to effectively take down the villainous Freddy Krueger not once, not twice, but three times! How’s that for a resume?
Langenkamp began her screen career as an extra, but scored the role of Nancy Thompson in the first Nightmare on Elm Street film, which launched her career. From memorable guest roles on Growing Pains to starring as Nancy Kerrigan in an NBC movie, Langenkamp kept her focus primarily on roles on television shows and made-for-TV movies. But true to her horror movie roots, she’d return to the role to battle dream demon Freddy two more times.Langenkamp is largely retired from acting now, working in special effects makeup and prosthetics with her husband, David LeRoy Anderson, bringing life to the effects in horror classics like Dawn of the Dead and Cabin in the Woods.
When she’s not scaring audiences with her outstanding performances in front of the camera or frightening them with her gruesome effects work behind the camera, Langenkamp is also an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. Having one of the most memorable actresses in horror officiate your wedding would be a dream come true for any genre fan!
Want to become ordained like Heather Langenkamp? Click here!